Dedicated to the memory of Joseph Shieber (1970–2024)
Table of Contents
Lobl, Liam. 2024. “Editorial Assistant Exit Letter.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: i-ii.
Book Symposium
Guest Editor: Michael Deckard, Lenoir-Rhyne University
Deckard, Michael. 2024. “Editorial Introduction to The Mind-Body Politic Book Symposium.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: iii-viii.
Maiese, Michelle and Robert Hanna. 2024. “Précis: The Mind-Body Politic.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 1-6.
Cash, Mason. 2024. “Enactivist Distributed Cognition, and the Role of Distributed Social Practices in Social Change.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 7-19.
Jurgens, Alan. 2024. “Master Narratives: Ideology Embedded and Embodied.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 20-28.
Pascoe, Josephine and Miguel Segundo-Ortin. 2024. “The Role of Narrative Practices in Embodied and Affective Change.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 29-36.
Shieber, Joseph. 2024. “Heteronomy, Repression, and Collective Wisdom.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 37-43.
Teymoori, Ali. 2024. “The Mind and the Political.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 44-50.
Wilson, Lee. 2024. “Embodied Cognition in Dark Times.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 51-58.
Zmigrod, Leor. 2024. “Ideological Mind-Shaping or Brain-Shaping: Fusing Empirical Biopolitics and Political Philosophy of Mind.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 59-68.
Maiese, Michelle and Robert Hanna. 2024. “Author Replies: From The Mind-Body Politic to The Shape of Lives to Come.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6, no. 1: 69-82.